Sketch: The Police

The Police. Click for larger image.
I present to you: The Police!

Last night while we were playing Agricola, we were listening to music. "Don't Stand So Close to Me" came on, and I recalled memories of crushes I had on teachers. I had a crush on my high school cross-country/track coach/math teacher, my high school chemistry professor, and my college law professor. Jeff. Ron. Adam. Hahaha. I never acted on any of these crushes, but I definitely got called out for a few crushes.

Anyways, today I decided to draw The Police and listen to The Very Best of Sting & The Police for some enjoyment that is not related to working out. I try to work on that--finding non-working out activities that make me happy. I did get in an easy run this morning, and I have a strong 13.2 mile planned for tomorrow, so no worries about my health or fitness deteriorating this week.


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