8 Days Until My Half Triathlon!

I'm devastated.

On Tuesday morning I went for a pain-free run. I went for a swim later that night. On Wednesday afternoon, I couldn't run. There was a sharp pain in my front kneecap. I decided to bike instead. On Thursday, I tried running again. I made it maybe 2 minutes before deciding the pain was too much and turned back home for some core work and stretching. Today, I'm going to give my leg complete rest and hope that it's just some crazy "phantom pain" (like I experienced before my Boston Marathon this year). I'm upset, yes, because I love running and all I need for some stress relief is a RUN right now, but there is no use in being upset. I have to fix myself and try to get ready for my half distance triathlon.

Foam roll. Ice. Water jog. Stretch. Keep swimming and biking.

That's right, my triathlon is about a week away and I'm dealing with severe knee pain that is preventing me from running. I need to relax. Everything is going to be fine!

I keep telling myself that, but there is a voice in my head telling me I'm going to get fat and be slow and not be able to do the triathlon and that I'm a loser and...and...and...I need to tell that voice to STFU! Okay. Done. :-)


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