Hello World

"Hello World."

That's what my first webpage read. Back in middle school, I was a part of the Geocities, Angelfire, and Tripod generation. I'm not sure if they still exist or are as popular as I perceived them to be. I just remember that they offered free hosting, always had advertisements, and allowed me to express myself to the world. I went from the click-and-drag version of Geocities to learning HTML and using Notepad to design my websites. I loved learning HTML. It was the perfect blend of technology and art. I was a bit of a nerd-artist. I became a jock-nerd-artist when I learned the amazing outlet of running in high school. Become a jock-nerd-artist gave me little time to maintain a website, so I deleted my online presence.

Now, as an adult jock-nerd-artist, I continue my life as a athlete-scientist-artist. I run marathons, lift heavy (relative) items, rock climb, try to cook, and work as a personal trainer. I read science fiction, play point-and-click adventure games, do science projects for fun, ponder time travel, try to fix things when I break them, and work as a scientist. I draw, paint, make things, go to art museums, watch movies, and (sadly) do not get paid to work as an artist. I keep telling myself I'm going to start a blog, and today is that day.

Welcome to Non-Sequitur Box.

Non sequitur is Latin for "it does not follow." It is most often used as a noun to describe illogical statements. -- Wikipedia

Athlete. Scientist. Artist. I think those three words best describe parts of my life that I like to discuss. I will tag posts as one of those three big topics. Those things can be unrelated at times, but this blog is about what interests me, and I like to share my interests. That's the point of this blog. I want to share what I know, what I experience, and what I ponder. For example...

Athlete: running, climbing, lifting, cooking, injuries, working as a personal trainer, and fitness related topics

Scientist: technology, math, science, science fiction, theories, technical how-to's, lab techniques, learning new things, and geeky issues

Artist: drawing, crafts, museums, movies, books, colors, and artsy fartsy events

As my first blog post, I think the most appropriate thing to say today is...

Hello World.


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