Book Review: The Martian

This year, I am trying to read at least one book per month. In January I read a book about sales. For February, I read The Martian by Andy Weir. I recommend this book if you like science fiction or just science/engineering in general. My friend Jack bought it for me (best 99 cents you can spend), and I read it on the Kindle app on my phone. I think this has started my e-book obsession! I loved being able to read it anywhere (especially while waiting in lines or standing in the Metro).

I've never reviewed a book. Most of my book reviews were just book reports or essays back in high school or college. I also haven't read a good fiction in a while. I've been reading mostly textbooks or professional journals lately.

The Martian is about an astronaut (Mark) who gets stranded on Mars. He has to use his knowledge and skills to survive. I enjoyed how the book involved math and science but was so simply written and well-explained (even a caveman would understand the science of survival!). I also enjoyed all the cursing and juvenile actions of Mark, it added comic relief and a taste of how silly engineers/botanists can be. If you enjoy survival stories (Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, et cetera), science fiction, or futuristic settings, then you may enjoy The Martian.

Read more of Andy Weir's writings here:


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