Shoulder Surgery Recovery: Day 2-4

Nerve block is the best. When it wears off, you’ll appreciate your ice machine and pain relievers so much. Some people say the first 48 hours post-op are the worst. In my experience, days 2 and 3 were both really rough.

On day two post-op, I thought I could get by with no oxycodone. I took Tylenol and used the ice machine, but I realized that was a mistake. Take the drugs prescribed! I took one laxative (5mg) with no result. I wasn’t very hungry this day, but Dave made me eat some saltines and drink water. My old eating disorder thoughts started to rise again. With post-op weight, my clothes, and my sling, I was weighing 111-113lbs. I had gone into surgery at a (heavy for me) 106 lbs. Luckily, Dave is a more sane person than me and convinced me to eat one of my Factor meals for dinner and some fruit. I was able to remove the large outer bandage today!

On day three post-op, I made it a goal to walk. It was more a series of slow, deliberate steps while Duke and Dave walked nearby. The fresh air was good! I didn’t enjoy changing my shirt, though. Dave had some schoolwork to do, so I drew on my iPad, slept, and watched television while icing. I ate more today—fruit, espresso, dry cereal, a Factor meal, salad, and pizza! I took 10mg of laxative with no movement still. I’m peeing a lot. My weight has gone down slightly with the slow absorption or expelling of fluids from surgery. It’s still hard to quiet the voices saying I’m getting fat (I weighed myself in just a shirt—109lbs). I’m taking oxycodone again, with anti-nausea, aspirin, and Tylenol. My elbow-pit was hurting a lot on flexing, so I took my arm out of the sling to very gently move it a few times (with my good arm supporting it). My tattoos also looked irritated/was itchy from the Betadine/sling, so I tried cleaning my arm with a baby wipe. I was able to pay some bills online, look at my budget, and order some Freshly meals for next week (Dave doesn’t usually eat lunch, so he said I should get some healthy, quick options).

When going to bed, Duke accidentally pawed my bad shoulder. We took him out of the middle and put him on the right side of the bed so I don’t have to fight for space. Having a pillow under my slinger arm helps a lot with comfort.

Last night, I woke up with strong pain in my shoulder area and chest. I hate waking up Dave, but he has insisted I learn to ask for help, so I nudged him and asked for my ice machine and meds. He was a sweetie and set me up with fresh ice water, all my meds, and some water. We raised the bed incline a little too. I did my deep breathing exercises (always helps me when I’m in pain or stressed). I thought we set an alarm for the ice machine, but we both slept through it. No complaints from me! I love the cool relief. 20-30 mins is so short.

Today is day four. Weight was at 107.8lbs (no sling, first thing in the morning, still no pooping). I’m going to continue with the oxycodone, try 15mg of laxative (maybe buy prunes because I like eating them), go for another short walk, and maybe attempt to shower (maaayyyybeeee). I’m surprised I don’t stink yet. Maybe it’s the Betadine that killed all my smelly bacteria. ;) I’m surprised how much I’m sleeping, but I’m going to take recovery slow and serious. I don’t want to mess up all the work I just had done!

I finally brushed my hair and ate oatmeal for breakfast. I feel like I’m getting into a good groove with taking drugs, resting, icing, and eating. I miss exercising, but I can tell my body is craving rest to recover from surgery. I might end up taking two full weeks off work.

Work always has a way of guilt tripping me into doing stupid stuff (it’s partially why I’ve dealt with shoulder issues), but I know from experience your employers will never care about your health as much as you care. It was the advice given to me when I sought help for depression and an eating disorder, and I felt guilty back then seeking help. Looking back, it was one of the brightest decisions Ive made. Take care of your health; you can’t buy it back.


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