High Hamstring Tendinopathy, Injuries

In 2015, I ran my last marathon. I struggled with a high hamstring issue on and off for years.

I am able to live the decline in my race results: https://www.athlinks.com/athletes/85557855/results

In 2016, I managed to run some more road races and even a good half marathon, but I had to reduce my mileage significantly and lifted much more. I couldn’t run more than 40 miles per week without aggravating my hamstring. I tried so many glute band exercises. 

2017 was a wash in terms of races (just trying to get healthy, deal with death of friends). I focused on lifting, so most of my runs were to/from the gym. I also traveled for work a lot. I began Bret Contreras’ Strong Curves to really strengthen my glutes.

In 2018, I ran a tough half marathon (some miles on dirt/gravel, no sports drinks on the route). My training was the hardest I ever felt. GI issues, hamstring issues, and hydration were all problems while training; I could barely run a 10+ mile run without feeling like garbage. I just wanted to finish that half marathon.

I saw a chiropractor who I thought solved my high hamstring issues in 2018, though. I had worked with a physical therapist for 12 weeks with no result. One visit to Capitol Rehab, and I had never felt better!

In 2019, I had to travel a lot for work, had shingles, and my dad died. I ran three races—a cross country race, a road race, and a triathlon. It seemed my hamstring issues were finally at bay, as long as I continued my glute exercises. I trained for the tri, but I didn’t do speed work. I had issues with my shoulder while swimming, but I held together for the race. A week after the race, my hip hurt. I went to Rose Physical Therapy to sort that issue out with Priska. After 8-12 weeks, it seemed I could run pain free-again.

In 2020, I had to rehab a shoulder, but my legs held together through the pandemic. I hurt my foot in December/January 2021, but slowly returning to running alleviated that niggle. Now I’m in shoulder surgery recovery.

It seems the life of running, triathlons, and trying to skydive, climb, and lift is riddled with injuries. My goal is to continue rehabbing until I fix all my muscle imbalances and become the athlete I want to be. I really hope to go ski touring in the winter, run a marathon or ultramarathon next year, and finish an Ironman within five years. I hope to be able to do overhead work, climb, and skydive without any incidents.

Live is meant to be lived!


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