Review: Picky Bars

After some suggestions from the running community, I bought some Picky Bars. You can read more about the bars made by professional athletes at I received a freaking cool shirt, which I'm wearing right now, and 18 bars of my flavor of choice. Yes, I'm a part of the Picky Bar Club.

You can read the website for the nutritional information and the story behind the bars. I'm not going to regurgitate what has already been said.

For my first bars, I had the Smooth Caffeinator and Lauren's Mega Nuts. Both were delicious. They're mostly smooth with some chunks and a slight crisp (not crispy like Clif bars---more like a gentle, almost unnoticeable crisp--I liked that). I could really taste the nuts in Lauren's Mega Nuts, which hit the spot after my run. I had the Smooth Caffeinator right before my run, and I didn't get any stomach issues from it (yaaay). I will probably update this post more as I eat the rest of the bars and pay more attention to taste and texture (instead of wolfing it down before a run or while in my car rushing to coach running)...


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