Fuel: Teeccino

It looks like coffee, smells like coffee, brews like coffee, and tastes like coffee. It's not coffee.

I bought some Teeccino the other day at Whole Foods, thinking it WAS coffee. Oh, silly me. It's HERBAL coffee. It's a blend of herbs, fruits, grains, and nuts. It says it contains barley, but it also says it is gluten free once brewed! I don't have to worry about gluten, so it's not a concern to me. If you're super sensitive, I'd ask around to see if it truly is gluten free as it claims.

I have the Vanilla Nut (teebag) and Mocha (grounds) flavors, and I enjoy both. I use the teebag like a teabag, and I make the grounds herbal coffee in my French Press. No caffeine means I can drink it at all times of the day. I just had a goodnight cup of herbal coffee. :-) It's delicious and smooth, so it doesn't need any milk, creamer, or sugar (but you can add that all the same).


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