Race Recap: Mother's Day Four Miler

Today I ran in Potomac River Running Store's Mother's Day 4 Miler. The race was held near Baron Cameron Park in Reston, VA.

This was my first race on this course and my second four miler. My goal was to break 26:00 (my previous PR was 25:01 at Four Courts Four Miler). I knew I should break 25:41 (which is what I ran my "tempo" four mile last time).

For the past two weeks, I've been training with Capital Area Runners under the coaching of Coach George Buckheit. I'm still lifting three days a week, but I'm not focusing too much on huge gains (I keep it heavy, but I don't push the volume or intensity unnecessarily). I also added planks/push-ups back into my core routine, as I have been doing more concentric/eccentric movements and neglecting isometric movements.

On the downside, this past week I worked with some isocyanantes and accidentally got exposed (somehow I found chemical rashes on my arms, abs, chest, and nose even though I was wearing long sleeves and working under the fume hood). Being sensitized to isocyanantes is not good. I had trouble breathing for a few days, so I nixed my plan to work with them on Friday because I wanted to enjoy my weekend. I'm going to find a better respirator too.

I ran an easy hour yesterday on the C&O Canal. I had a huge earth bowl salad from SweetGreen for lunch and a tall espresso frappe (guilty pleasures). For dinner, I got some ox tail, mac-n-cheese, and rice from the Whole Foods hot bar and even had a spoonful of ice cream. I drank some water before heading to bed. I had difficulty sleeping last night, and I woke up once to think I ran a 5:55/mile pace at the race but didn't do well.

Finally, when it was time to get ready to race, I ate half a banana and drank some water. I drove to the race location, but I had to do two loops before finally parking near the soccer fields (one lot was full, and another stoplight was broken/wouldn't turn green for crossing traffic). I did a gentle jog, talked with Alina and George, and jogged a little more and did some leg swings for a warm-up. I did a few butt kicks and high knees with short strides. The starting line was packed, and I hopped into place a minute before the start.

Mile 1: 6:11?
I forgot to clear out my watch after yesterday's run, and I didn't realize this until 20 seconds into the race. The first part of the mile is crowded and downhill, then it changes into a gradual uphill. After "popping the top" of this hill, you've completed the first mile. I settled into a pace and had two people to run with--another woman and a younger boy (who was ahead of me for about 2.75 miles).

Mile 2: 6:31
I was surprised to see this mile was so slow. It didn't feel particularly fast, but it also didn't feel this slow. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably a result of running a 6:11 on the first mile. This mile felt fairly flat, but I remember some downhill. It was great to see Susanna, Cheryl, and George cheering along the course! I forgot what a difference it can make to have someone shout some encouragement!

Mile 3: 6:13
I felt pretty good about this mile. I think I remember rolling hills (a rolling hill?) along this section and a great downhill of which to take advantage. We were getting close to the soccer fields, which meant close to the finish! The other woman and I pulled ahead of the boy in this mile. I was happy to see a 6:13, and it gave me a boost.

Mile 4: 5:53?
Having only a mile left, with Susanna and George shouting from the sidelines and through the trees, I picked up the pace. I tried to control my form, especially on the long downhill before turning back into the park. There is a slight uphill coming into the park, but it feels great to have the finish line within view.

I immediately ate a banana and a granola bar and washed it down with water. I went on a cool-down run around the soccer fields, which felt great for the legs. At the awards ceremony, I got a $100 gift certificate! Everyone received flowers (carnations?) at the finish line. I was happy with this race.


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