Old Race Recaps

I started this blog after a few "significant" running races. Here is a quick overview of some races I did that Athlinks kindly recorded for me. Another day I'll write quick race recaps for my triathlons.

Rock 'n' Roll VA Beach Half Marathon 2007: 1:33:00
My first half marathon!  I had no clue how to pace this. My boyfriend at the time couldn't run it since he was dealing with plantar pain. I began my long distance running addiction while training for this race. I only ran up to 13 miles, but that was a big deal for me.
5k: 21:50
10k: 43:38
10mi: 1:10:47
11mi: 1:18:05

Marine Corps Marathon 2007: 3:19:12
Since I tackled my first half marathon, and one of my upperclassmen (Rick P.) was giving away/transferring his bib, I decided to go for the full marathon the next month. This was the day after I ran in the Patriot League Championship for cross-country (6k course). I definitely started out a little too fast, but I didn't stop! My boyfriend at the time had told me, "There is going to be a time during the race when you'll want to stop or walk. Don't. Just keep shuffling. It will only hurt more if you stop." I did this race with two of my friends--Chris Bialko and Fernandez--from my sister company at USNA. Chris picked up all of our bibs early and drove us to Arlington. We all stayed in a hotel near the finish line, rode the metro to the start, and met with each other at the finish. I remember Chris saying his longest run was 15 miles about a week before the marathon. We had a great time, ate dinner at Hard Times Cafe, and I felt really proud for doing my first marathon.
5mi: 0:36:00
10mi: 1:12:11
Half: 1:35:05
15mi: 1:49:14
18mi: 2:12:30
22mi: 2:44:35

Rock 'n' Roll VA Beach Half Marathon 2008: 1:34: 40
I started running better for cross-country, and I didn't train much for this race. I think it was the year I ate a bunch of snicker doodles the day before the race. It was also the year Josh ran his first half marathon (yay), and we watched a little of the B-52's that night. I started out way too fast, trying to find some of my friends at the beginning of the race. My boyfriend (same one who got me into marathons) couldn't be there that weekend, but it didn't matter. He broke up with me two months later.
5k: 19:48
10k: 41:58
10mi: 1:10:44
11.3mi: 1:21:45
20k: 1:28:11

Boston Marathon 2009: 3:10:58
In the past couple of months, I had learned nothing could hurt more than a broken heart. This was a great first Boston Marathon experience for the sole reason that I met a (silverfox) Canadian named Michael at the hostel the night before (I was staying with a friend at first, but then her family came to the race, so I had to scramble to find a place to stay for the rest of the weekend...the hostel worked). I ran with Michael for the first 16 miles of the race, and he had a Garmin to keep up from going too fast. After 16 miles, he told me to go. I felt great. I just realized this was a slight negative split!
5k: 22:58
10k: 45:30
15k: 1:08:04
20k: 1:30:37
Half: 1:35:39
25k: 1:53:27
30k: 2:16:24
35k: 2:39:12
40k: 3:01:36

Rock 'n' Roll VA Beach Half Marathon 2009: 1:32:24
I tried to run this one a little smarter and "easy." I wasn't trying to kill myself, since cross-country was my priority (my senior season). I still upset my coach a little by doing this race, but I bounced back within the week. I ran a little with Gonzo, one of my ex's friends (who I would later date and call Andrew). He had just returned from deployment, so we would run a mile, walk 10 steps, run a mile, walk 10 steps...until I left him because it aggravated him.
5k: 21:13
10k: 43:19
10mi: 1:10:34
11.4mi: 1:20:41
12.3mi: 1:26:53

Rock 'n' Roll VA Beach Half Marathon 2010: 1:28:35
I was going through TBS, my longest run being 8 miles, and my boyfriend had just been deployed a month early. This was also during the early-ish moments of the worst of my eating disorder. I was motivated to run well for both of us, and I felt relaxed for the entire race. My legs were strong from long hikes with heavy packs.
5k: 20:41
10k: 41:30
10mi: 1:07:22
11.4mi: 1:17:01
12.3mi: 1:22:56

Historic Half Marathon 2011: 1:55:56
Andrew and I ran this together after his deployment. He wanted to get a race under his belt, so we did this one. He hadn't been training for running long distances (but the TRX I sent him kept him in ab-tastic shape), so we agreed to run a mile, walk a little, repeat. I convinced him to do 10 burpees after each mile. It was great. I think he hated the idea of the burpees, but it makes me happy that we still finished under 2 hours with the burpees, cardiac hill (hospital hill), and walking tossed into the mix.

Rock 'n' Roll VA Beach Half Marathon 2011: 1:32:35
I had just started my new internship, was going through a lot of personal issues, broken up with Andrew, and was just lost/confused at this time in my life. Excuses. I think I tried the start slow, finish fast method with Andrew (yep, we still ran the race and spent the weekend together).
5k: 22:41
10k: 44:14
7.9mi: 55:13
10mi: 1:10:59

Navy 5 Miler 2011: 32:46
This race felt relaxed. I was training for the Marine Corps Marathon. I ran this race with Andrew. I remember a guy who would sprint, jog, sprint, jog, repeat, during this race. I didn't think the course was very pretty.

Marine Corps Marathon 2011: 3:11:12
I distinctly remember dying at mile 18 onward. I was running down the 3:05:00 pace group, and I didn't get smart. I struggled through the final miles, and Andrew almost beat me. If he had seen me, he would have sprinted past me and "won."
5k: 21:53
10k: 43:20
15k: 1:04:49
20k: 1:26:00
Half: 1:30:37
25k: 1:47:35
30k: 2:09:46
35k: 2:33:45
40k: 2:59:13

Hot Chocolate 15k: 1:14:55
Worst race logistics ever. I ran this with Rob. He was preparing for his first half marathon, and I felt so bad that this was his first road race. We saw no point in pushing the pace. It was crowded the entire way, and there was no getting around people in bottlenecks. I remember jumping into the woods in the middle of the race to take a pee break...my ass was famous. It is a great ass.

Shamrock Whale Challenge: 3:56:09
8k: 35:29
Marathon: 3:20:40
The Whale Challenge is the 8k on Saturday followed by the marathon on Sunday. I did this with Andrew. We took the 8k light and had a blast. I had been dealing with a few injuries during training, so I wasn't expecting much. I was just happy to be able to run. I ate dinner with Rob. Since this was his first marathon, I let him choose dinner. Pizza! Yikes. Andrew started the race at a faster pace than me, since he was in shape. Rob started behind us, aiming for a sub-4:00 marathon. Less than 10 miles into the race, I knew it was going to suck. I used every single port-a-potty stop along the course. It was miserable. I caught up to Andrew, though, and he would wait for me, but I finished before him during the final half. WORST RACE EVER. Rob also didn't meet his goal, so he has to do another marathon eventually.
7mi: 52:57
Half: 1:40:44
18mi: 2:18:27

Warrior Dash 2012: 50:59
My first and only race I have done while intoxicated. Not my best plan. I drank more after the race and puked the entire way home (and all night).

AESA ONE Abebe Bikila 5k 2012: 19:36
This was my first 5k in a while. This is a significant race because it was about 105 degrees (heat index) outside, it was a free 5k with prize money, I got my ass kicked, and it was also where I met David Magida and Matt Deters.


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