New Coach and New Races!

This week I joined Capital Area Runners under the coaching of George Buckheit. I learned about the team when I saw a group of ladies in red jerseys running some of the local races together. They always performed very well. Last fall, I had the pleasure of meeting Coach Buckheit. This moment was after the majority of the fall marathons and the beginning of the cold weather (when I retreated indoors for my speed workouts). I told myself I would come out next spring...maybe.

Here were are today. I trained with them for a week before committing. That week included two long runs, a tempo workout, and a track workout. George was great about answering all my questions (about his training methods, training that I'm used to, my self-training methods), giving me input on my current training plan (which was running me into the ground), and treating me like I was already a member of the team. I think it's important to have a coach with whom you get along and with whose training methods you agree (and will follow). George is that guy. He believes I can improve my marathon and half marathon times (sub 3:00 marathon and low 1:20's half marathon).

I've decided to sign up for the Richmond Marathon, with the Newport Half Marathon as my tune-up race. The races are spaced perfectly apart (four weeks).

I've looked over some of my recent training, and there are changes that must be made. If I'm going to be serious about improving my times, I not only need to do the training as George prescribes it, but I know I will need to...

1. Drink more water everyday.
2. Clean up my eating habits--prepare my lunches for the week, eat more protein and vegetables.
3. Cut out all alcohol (I don't drink much to begin with, so this isn't a huge problem for me).
4. Increase my mileage.
5. Hard days hard; easy days easy.
6. Be adamant about sleep.

This Thursday I do have a saison tasting event, but I'm planning on not drinking anything else after that until November 16th.

Am I excited? Absolutely. That's why I wrote a blog post about it.


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