Two Days Until Patriots Half: Race Plan!

I always write up race plans, even if the plan has been on my mind for weeks/days. I think it is important to write down goals (it gives a little more sense of commitment)! My knee started feeling better on Tuesday (my running buddy came back into town; maybe he is good luck)! I'm still taking it easy, though, and I just want to FINISH this need for last minute speed work! I was able to get in a bike, two swims, and a few runs this week. I feel ready!

Goal A: Finish!
Goal B: Finish under 6:30!

Friday To-Do List:
- Sleep in
- Pack, buy more nutrition (Gatorade, energy bar, gels)
- Travel
- Do a quick run through the transitions (10 minute swim, 10 minute bike, 10 minute run) and make sure I have everything I need.
- Race packet pick-up/information meeting
- Salmon for dinner!

Saturday: Race Day Plan!
0530 - wake up, eat some oatmeal with banana, drink some Gatorade/water
0600 - be at race site, set-up transition site
0708 - Ready, steady, go!!

Swim: 1.2 miles.
Goal: Swim under 00:53 (2:30/100yd pace).
I've been able to swim 1.2 miles under 50 minutes (closer to 40-45 minutes) in the pool, but with it being an open water swim with other people and a current, I'm expecting something slower (50-60 minutes). I get a little panicky in open water, and I'm terrible at sighting, so it might be just over 1 hour. The goal is to find a steady pace and enjoy the swim. Get loose.

T1: The transition is a little long, from what I read, about 400-600 meters. Take off goggles and swim cap on the run. Be careful where I step (don't want cuts!). Toss on a bike jersey with snacks in the pockets. Sip some Gatorade. Put on socks, bike shoes, helmet, sunglasses, and grab my bike.

Bike: 58 miles.
Goal: Bike under 03:30 (16.6 mph)
Yes, that's not a typo! Instead of the half Ironman bike distance of 56 miles, this triathlon is 58 miles. If I don't get a mechanical (which, then I'm screwed!), and if I don't crash, then I think I can maintain a 17mph pace easily (I can do 18-20 mph, but I want to save some for the run). I want to start off easy (first 10-15 miles at 16-17mph pace) and pick it up after that. Finish 16oz. Gatorade and 0.5-1 liters of water. Take a Gu halfway through.

T2: Re-rack my bike. Take off helmet and sunglasses. Take off bike shoes and socks. Put on new socks and running shoes. Remove jersey/put on running shirt and bib number (race belt). Sip some water. Get to running!

Run: 13.1 miles.
Goal: Run under 1:58 (9 minute miles).
Take the first 5k easy. Let the body adjust. Take in water/Gatorade (alternate each mile). Have something to eat at the 4mile, 8mile, and 10 mile marks (something light, oranges maybe). Keep moving!

1400 - Hopefully be done by now! Time to shower, eat some real food, go to Young Veteran's Brewery grand opening, and meet up with Kat!


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