Race Recap: Perfect 10 (10 miles or 10 km)

On Sunday, 29 September 2013, I raced in Potomac River Running's Perfect 10 Miler in Reston, VA. Participants can choose between 10 miles or 10 kilometers. I chose to run the 10 miler. It is the same course at the Reston 10 Miler (in March).

Night Before the Race:
Okay, so the evening before the race went not-according to plan. I had taken the entire day off working out, walked around Clarendon Day festivities, and had a delicious salad for lunch. Plans fell apart that evening when my boyfriend suggested we go to Nick's house to play games. Not sure what time we were going to be home or if we were going to eat with Nick, I ate half a serving of my dinner (salmon cakes, vegetables, and noodles) and a Gatorade. I only stayed for one round of Stone Age (one of my favorite games) before heading home around 11PM (late for me). I ate six pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (homemade by Rachel) and quite a few Snyder's jalapeno pretzels. I know, I'm so good at eating healthy.

I woke up at 6:00AM, skipped a real breakfast, ate a packet of Clif Bloks on the way to the race site and sipped some water (I was already dehydrated), and checked in by 7:00AM. When I was getting my gear together, I noticed my Garmin wasn't working. It had just froze on a screen. I hadn't brought my regular Timex watch either, so I was just going to run by feel. After checking in with Team Red White Blue (my first official event with them while having a shirt!), I warmed up a few minutes, did some squats, lunges, hops, skips, and leg swings. Even though there were the school toilets AND port-a-johns, I couldn't make it to the bathroom before the race. Oh well...

PERFECT weather for a PERFECT 10 miles. It was a hilly course, and there are no clocks on the course. Since the 10km and 10mi started at the same time, you couldn't tell who was running what (until you passed him or her and checked out the color of the race bib). I knew I started out too fast, but I hate getting caught in a herd.

By mile 3, a little doubt was seeping into my head ("You can't hold this pace for 7 more miles! You're going to crash...") but I stomped those ideas down as I raced alongside other runners. A solid group I got to run with throughout the race was Jeff Caron (Saucony rep, runner extraordinaire), Jess (PaceofMe.com), and Adam Lesser (LesserIsMore.blogspot.com). They were a lot more consistent than I was, but I was just running the hills by feel. I would get ahead of them, they'd pass me, I'd catch up, they'd pull away...

At the turn for the 10k, Jeff said to me that he thought I was doing the 10k and that my pace was pretty solid. That gave me a boost! Another boost was a sip of Gatorade at mile 6 or so. I always take a small sip of water, splash it over me, or take a sip of Gatorade at aid stations...especially when I know my fuel stores were not proper (should have hydrated more, had a more well-balanced dinner).

On this course, I always get a little rough at miles 7 and 8. Those miles seem to last longer than I expect, but the final mile always goes by quick (with the exception of that parking lot hairpin turn...no me gusta). I always enjoy the track finish, though, and getting medals at the end of any race is kinda cool (yep, it still hasn't worn off for me yet...I like medals with unique designs or medals from unique races).

I placed 4th female overall and 1st in my age group (25-29) with a time of 1:04:52 (6:29/mile pace). I won a $25 gift certificate to =PR= Running Store (whoo hoo!), ate some delicious post-race food (including some pulled pork BBQ, oranges, Gatorade, water, and a muffin), and had a great time talking to other members of Team Red White Blue.

Post-Race Thoughts:
I was so grateful for the port-a-johns.
I was cold. Next time I'll bring a dry shirt to change into (instead of just tossing a sweatshirt over myself...but I always say this).
Next time I'll bring both watches, just in case one decides to not work.
I'm not a fan of paying the toll road fees every time I go to Reston.
I need to seriously pace better (start off slower, maintain, end fast).
My breathing was difficult. I wasn't sure if it was because of the cold air or because my lung capacity/function has DECREASED FROM WORKING WITH ISOCYANATES (yes, I'm a little bitter and still trying to figure out what to do for a new job).
I love Team RWB!
I love seeing all the other teams race in their singlets too! It gives the race quite a competitive environment!


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