Race Recap: Patriots Half
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That's me in second place for females 25-29 years old! |
On Friday, my boy and I drove to Anniversary Park. We went to packet pick-up and one of the informational meetings. It was quick and well organized. I looked at the transitions, walked from the swim to the transition, found my bike rack, and skipped my planned 30 minute workout (10 min swim/bike/run). I felt confident.
After that, we did a drive of the bike course, checked into our hotel (Greensprings Resort, which was actually cheaper than the regular hotels!) and ate at a Greek restaurant (salmon, rice, vegetables, bread, water). I drank Gatorade and water throughout the day, but I still felt a little low on hydration (from sweating in the car and at packet pick-up). My boy showed me how to change a flat tire and I went to bed at 9:50pm.
Race Day:
5:15am - Woke up, ate some Quaker instant apples and cinnamon oatmeal, drank some water, packed the car, arrived at race site at 5:45am.
Set-up notes: My transition site always looks like a big, confusing mess. I checked my bike computer, but I forgot to check the brakes/other bike mechanics. I also didn't open my packets of Clif Bloks (would have been a good idea, but not necessary). I DID remember to get wet wipes, bring two pairs of socks, and all my fuel.
07:08am - Ready, set, go!
Goal: Swim under 00:53.
Achieved: YES! I swam 47:32!
The course went to the straight buoy for 0.25mi, went against the current for 0.25mi, went at a 45 degree angle across the current (but downcurrent) for 0.5mi, and went at a 45 degree angle across the current for the last 0.2mi. You could pretty much wade through the water for the first 0.1mi, but that's not the best idea. This can get your heart rate up a little higher than you'd want for the swim, so when you go to swim, you might freak out a little and be gasping for air. Just swim. Noted for the future. I was breast stroking/doggy paddling/treading water after the first buoy because I started to freak out a little.
- I'm not going to finish the swim! This sucks! I hate swimming!
- I'm going to have to breast stroke for an entire mile! I'm already tired! I can't breast stroke! I'm screwed! Doggy paddle maybe...
- I need the kayaker's help! He's looking at me like I'm going to drown. I'm drowning! Help! Can't you see?!? Oh no. He's on the other side of all the swimmers. I'm going to drown.
- Calm the f*** down!! What if your boy saw you now? What do the people on shore think right now?! You're barely into the swim. Get moving. You're wasting valuable time!
- Steph would be swimming. Be like Steph. Swim like Steph. Stay calm. Smooth and fast like Steph.
- The water is dark! I can't see anything! I can't see 2 inches in front of my face!
- Shut up. The water is dark. You knew that. Keep swimming!
- I should have done more open water swimming...but I never had a buddy to do it with me. Excuses. You could have asked Trevor or someone else for their advice/help on open water swimming. Too late now.
- I'm never going to do an Ironman.
- At least there are no waves. Currents are easy. Waves suck.
- Okay. Let's try this swimming thing. See that woman there? She's just going at a steady, relaxed, smooth pace...and beating you. Do that!
- Oh. Hey. I remember how to swim! Let's make it to the yellow buoy! My breathing is better now. Heart rate has relaxed.
- Hey! I made it! I even made it a tight turn! Yes!
- Oh no. Here come the two waves of people behind me. They're going to take me out! They're so strong and fast!
- Gosh. I suck at swimming. EVERYONE is passing me.
- Hey there! I see another neon green cap! Someone else in my wave is back here! Hi! Can we be friends?
- What?! I swam a good line to the final yellow buoy? Awesome! Let's not crash up against the structure or get eaten by ospreys. Hah. Ospreys.
- Hm...math...math...math. How to explain to people that you have to swim toward that curved line of buoys to work with the current and land at the beach? I could make a simple drawing out of that...
- Yikes. I need to adjust and swim a harder angle toward the buoys. The cops just yelled out to us, "SWIM LEFT!" Swimming left! Swimming left! See? I'm swimming toward the shore!
- I'm doing it! I'm really surviving the swim! Yaaaaay! I'm so glad it's almost over. I see the dancing yellow man. I'm so happy!
- Wow! I can stand! Yippee! Let's walk it in.
- This is a little weird and uneventful...walking in from the swim at an awkward pace. Faster than me swimming. Let's move!
- The swim is over! Now I can run to the transition!
Goal: Bike under 03:30.
Achieved: YES! I biked a 3:08:33!
The bike was a lollipop loop which the boy and I drove yesterday (but we drove it backwards for logistical reasons). It was mostly flat with a few false flats (darn you false flats!) and hills (I LOVE hills!). I got stuck behind some traffic at one point, but it wasn't a big deal (it spread out again after 400-800 meters). I saw a lot of very nice bikes out there and a lot of people with aerobars. On the second half of the bike, I realized I was going too fast, so I slowed down just a little to save some legs for the run. I successfully drank from my water bottles and switched them out. I did forget to open my new water bottle before the race, so I ended up ripping the cap off with my teeth/breaking the bottle, but it was still functional (as in, I was able to get Gatorade into my mouth still). I consumed one packet of Clif Bloks, half a liter of water, about 8-12oz of Gatorade. I was cramping a little at the beginning (belly), but it subsided quickly. I wasn't sweating too much, so I didn't drink as much as I planned. I felt fine. I had no mechanical problems, which made me extremely happy! I didn't want to change a flat or have chain issues. Sometimes you CAN get what you want, Mick Jagger.
- Slow. Steady. No racing.
- Okay. A little racing.
- Crap. My computer isn't working. No distance. No time. Just the clock time and mile markers on the road every 5 miles. Oh well.
- Save some for the run.
- Mananama. Doo-doo-doo-do-do.
T2: I didn't know where to go for the port-a-johns within the transition, so I ran over the timing mat to start the run, made a U-turn, went to the port-a-johns, then continued the run. Should have grabbed my Gatorade for the run because I wasn't sure what the Heed tasted like.
Goal: Run under 1:58.
Achieved: Yes! I ran a 1:39:49!
The run was a lollipop loop, which we did twice. Normally I hate doing loops twice, but this was a very pretty run! We ran on a running/bike path, into woods (trails with no roots/rocks!), through a parking lot, back into woods/running paths/wooden surface running paths, and a little road along the way. There were aid stations every mile, and there were mile markers for every mile. After our first loop, we were given a rubber bracelet to show that we had completed the first loop, so the second time we would just run back to the finish instead of doing endless loops. I thought that was a neat idea. While I was running, I would constantly look to see if other people were on their first or second loop (the second place finisher overall was FINISHING when I was BEGINNING my run). I really enjoyed the run, and it went according to plan (except for when I fell and skinned my knee). I had a few shoutouts on the run, like, "You can't swim, but you can run, huh?" "Girl, you can run!" "You're killing this run!" "Nice pace!" "You may have passed me, but I'm 59!" "There's an 'F' on your leg...for female? Isn't that obvious?" "Looking good!" "Your swim and bike must have sucked!" "Why aren't you in the front?"
- Time to make up for my swim and bike times! Let's get 'em!
- Shins hurt a little, but that will subside after a short while. Keep those legs moving!
- Belly feels full. Going to just splash water over my head instead of drinking it. Might have drank too much already.
- Yep. I was right. Pain in my shins has subsided. My legs feel awesome!
- HEY! I saw that person on the bike. She killed the bike!
- Yes, people, I can't swim, but I can run!
- Smile for the camera...my mouth doesn't work...and my belly doesn't do my abs justice. So much for nice race photos.
- Where are these orange slices I was promised at the aid stations?!
- YUCK! This flavor of Heed is what?! Nothing? Plain? It tastes like something! Never again...
- ORANGE SLICES! Ermahgawd! Yay! *trip* *skin my knee on the asphalt* "F*ck!" Mmm...orange slices!!
- Water. Yes. Wish there was Gatorade, but I have my orange slices!
- No caffeine for me. Bad idea. I might have to go poop.
- 10 miles done. 3 to go. Okay. NOW I feel it! Come on, legs!
- Hey! There's Reza from the =PR= Running Store group runs!
- Okay. I give in! I'll try this Coca Cola thing! Mmmm! Still carbonated AND cold! I like!
- Woosh! Energy!!!
- So many tri suits...out here...
- Fat Frogs? Interesting jerseys.
- Tri Team Z! So many of you guys! Way to represent! You all KILLED the bike!
- I passed someone in an Army jersey! Go Army!
- I passed someone in a Marine Corps jersy! Go Marine Corps! 'Rah. Still beating you...but I'm just jealous because I'm not in the Marine Corps. Silly Anna.
- Why am I so happy that I'm passing people who are in their 40's, 50's, and 60's? They're not my age group. Still...they all did well on the swim and bike. All I can do is run. I need to ask some tips from them about swimming...
- Trot. Trot. Trot. Shuffle. Shuffle. Shuffle.
- Ah! This reminds me of cross-country!
- Let's catch a few more people before the finish line. Keep moving. No walking. You can do this.
- There's Reza! Let's say hi!
- There's my boy! 100 meters to the finish? Hey! There it is! The finish line! Um. Yes. This is my "sprint to the finish." This slow run is the fastest I can run right now. My legs are tired.
- *someone misreads my bib and calls out someone who is 48 years old instead* I'm not 48 yet...this triathlon didn't take 23 years to complete! Or...maybe I'm the youngest looking 48 year old they know!
- Oh. I'm finished. Yay. That was fun...and painful...and hard. I might just stick to Olympic distances...those hurt too and take less time.
After the race, a lot of people came up to me and congratulated me on my run. Thank you! I feel better about my running now.
I placed 109/363 overall (21/126 female, 2/21 in age group 25-29 female)! A quick look at my actual times, paces, and overall place for each portion of the triathlon.
Swim: 47:32 (283, 90)
Swim Pace: 02:15/100 yds (39:37/mile)
T1: 04:39 (186, 59)
Bike: 03:08:33 (214, 50)
Bike Pace: 18.5 mph (3:15/mile)
T2: 02:10 (170, 57)
Run: 01:39:49 (22, 4)
Run Pace: 7:37/mile (4:44/km)
Final: 05:42:42
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