Race Recap: Four Courts Four Miler

Yesterday I ran my third race of the year at Pacers' Four Courts Four Miler in Arlington, VA.

Race Prep
I've slowly been adding a few more speed workouts, mostly just shorter intervals (I did my first 2x1600m this week), and bumping my long run up to 12 miles each weekend. For the most part, I'm eating healthier and sleeping in until 6:00AM.

The night before, I ran 2 miles, picked up my race packet, climbed one route at the gym (what can I say? I didn't feel very energetic), and went to Shooter McGee's in Alexandria for a not-so-healthy dinner. I had 3/4ths of a beer (Kona Longboard) and a lobster crab cake sandwich with fries on the side (one of the few non-red meat items on the menu...no red meat on Fridays during Lent). After falling asleep at the dinner table, my boy finally agreed to go home. I was in bed by 11:30PM.

The weather was perfect for racing--low 50's, slightly cloudy! The race didn't begin until 9AM, so I was able to sleep in until 7:30AM and get up slowly. I had an English muffin with peanut butter and half of a banana and a few sips of water for breakfast.

At 8:20AM, I ran to Four Courts in Courthouse as my warm-up (around 1.5 miles), did some dynamic stretching, and checked my bag at the rear of Four Courts. People were already drinking in the bars; Irish music was playing; Irish dancers were dancing; and I noticed I was a red shirt in a sea of green. Luckily, my red Team RWB shirt stood out, and another Team RWB member (dressed in green) came over to talk for a little bit.

Side story:
A lot of people don't know that I am 50% Irish and 50% Filipino. I look more Filipino than Irish, but I always considered myself more Irish, thanks to my mother. My mother is from Coalisland, County Tyrone, Ireland. I grew up listening to her collection of Irish music, watching Irish dancing (I was far too clumsy to ever attempt it), and eating her home-cooked meals. She is a hardcore Ireland-loving woman. She praises their quality of clothing, food, and ways of life. She taught me what "real" bacon is and how to tell a fake Irish bar from a real Irish bar (meet the owners, try their fish and chips, corned beef and cabbage, and shepherd's pie, check the menu for real Irish drinks, and look at the atmosphere). I love that woman to death.

At 8:50AM, I lined up behind the elites and other fast people and chatted with the guys next to me. One of them said this was his first race ever last year. We talked about Dave Cahill, who hails from Limerick, Ireland and is General Manager of Four Courts. Dave starts the race 10 minutes after everyone else. For every person he passes, a dollar is donated to the Arlington County Police Benevolent Fund. For everyone who stays ahead of him, they get a beer koozie! Rumors spread that he runs 4:50 minute miles. My goal is to run around a 25 minute 4 miler. The distance is somewhat foreign to me, but I think it's a manageable goal.

At 9:00AM, the race begins! We started in front of Four Courts. The first mile was all downhill. There were a few potholes to watch out for, but I wasn't running in a tight crowd and could easily avoid the holes. Halfway down the hill, I passed a dog. (New goal: don't let the dog beat me.) I started to talk with a man who was wearing an Operation Rebound t-shirt. He was flying! He saw my shirt and asked if I was part of Team RWB, and he told me that he was one of the guys we support. Awesome! We kept racing downhill. At the Lynn street intersection, one must be careful with the grating (it's a little wide and can probably catch your foot if you land in just the wrong spot). There was a water station at the end of the hill, right before the first mile mark.

We reached the first mile quickly (someone just ahead of me said he hit it in 5:07, so I must have hit the first mile around 5:30 or so). During the second mile, a man in a red singlet passed a group of us, but I reeled him back in. Along the way, I also passed a man dressed in an Angry Birds costume (a green pig).

At the turn-around point on 110, I counted five women ahead of me and saw another woman not too far behind me. The dog wasn't too far behind either. Just before the end of the third mile, I finally passed the man in the red singlet. Now the final mile was mostly uphill.

Usually, I run the Wilson Boulevard hill a couple of times each week. It's a challenging hill, but it does have a flat/level portion in the middle of it--great for a final mental breather before the last incline at the finish. I tried to pass a man in the last 400 meters of the race, but he held it ahead of me. My eyes caught the clock closing in on 25:00, and I finished at 25:02 (chip time 25:01). I came so close to breaking 25:00 that it was almost frustrating, but I was very happy with such a quick race course.

I quickly got my photo taken at the photo booth (first time for everything, right?), picked up my bag, drank part of a Guinness, chatted with other runners, and listened to some good live music. I ended up placing third in my age group (20-29F), sixth female overall, so I was happy about that too.

Oh, and Dave Cahill did not pass me (but he did pass one of the guys I was talking to at the beginning of the race), but he passed quite a few people! It was a fun race, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fast 4 miler. It's very convenient for those living in the Clarendon, Courthouse, and Rosslyn area. The race sells out, so sign up early!


  1. Anna, I stumbled across your blog while looking for photos and recaps of yesterday's 4 Courts 4 Miler and I'm so glad I did! As a fellow Flip/Irish who also happens to work in the Science community (I'm on the admin side of a university Biology department) and who has recently taken up climbing AND who happens to have an art degree, I'm actually kind of blown away! I am incredible inspired by your goals and look foward to seeing where you go with them!

    1. That's all such a coincidence! Good luck with your goals! By the way, Swim Bike Run Photography just posted the race photos: http://swimbikerunphoto.zenfolio.com/2014pacersfourcourts


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