Ragnar Relay Washington D.C. Recap

A few weeks ago, at my friend Kristin's birthday party, I was invited to join a Ragnar Relay team! Having always wanted to do one, I agreed immediately! Little did I know what I was really getting into...

Team JUGS!
I joined the team Just Us Girls (JUGS)! Half of the team was from Miami, and the other half was from the DC-MD-VA area.

After a lot of shuffling and an unexpected last minute drop-out, we had eleven runners. I was in van 1 with five other ladies coming from Miami. My friend Kristin was in van 2 with other locals I didn't know. We didn't get t-shirts or a theme or decorate our vans, but we still had fun! I met up with the Miami ladies on Thursday and drove up to Rocky Gap Resort, the start line (but not before a stop at the new Wegmans in Germantown!!). We stayed at the casino (I didn't have to camp outside after all!), had a few drinks, and got to know each other the night before the race.

Relay Race
Ragnar Relay D.C. is a relay of 12 runners (or less) from Cumberland, MD, to Washington, D.C. (about 199 miles when government shutdowns don't cancel certain legs of the race). Van 1 starts with runners #1-6 running their first set of legs at Rocky Gap, MD before handing off to Van 2 with runners #7-12.

First Leg
Kelly started us off with a loop around the lake, a gorgeous setting, and had a nasty spill. Luckily, she had time to quickly shower at the hotel room while Lisa ran her leg.

Lisa led us away from the resort and into the mountains. As we drove along her leg, we kept seeing more uphills. We barely beat her to the exchange point, where I jumped out to start my leg.

I ran my first leg (claimed to be the "hardest leg of the course," so we got belt buckles at the end)--7.8 miles (mostly uphill) in 47-49 minutes. I had 20-25 kills (when you pass a runner). I also had one zombie (I passed him, then he passed me back).

I handed off to Dani, who had a killer hill at the end of her leg! We soon realized the "flat" on the elevation chart is still hilly in these parts.

Gio was our next runner, who had stepped up to the plate to take a slot on the team a few days before the race. She had a bunch of switchbacks, sending her uphill to a gorgeous lookout view (which she didn't get to see because she was running) and then back downhill (steep).

Our final runner was Andria, who had to hand off to a runner she didn't know (Kristin!) at the first major exchange point. After her leg, we drove straight to the next major exchange point, Clear Spring High School.

Time Between Legs
At the exchange point, I had a Philly cheese steak with onions and hot peppers. We got $1 showers at the local high school and were able to relax for a little bit. A few of the girls tried the high school spaghetti dinner. I will leave no comment how the quality of the meal. The cross-country team was putting on a bake sale (and undercharging!), so I had a brownie. I think I also ate all of my mango (club size pack!).

Second Leg
Julia from van 2 passed off to Kelly. Julia didn't recognize us as part of her team at first, since van 1 and van 2 didn't get to see each other much at all during the race. We quickly piled back into our van and headed to the next exchange point.

The sun was setting; this leg was the night leg. We ran in the same order, as the rules demand. I had 4.8 miles to run. I passed on/off ramps to/from the highway and headed into the country, as I smelled poop and roadkill. I ran 4.8 miles in about 33:30 (my belly was so bloated and gassy from all the crap I had eaten that weekend). I still had 5 kills. We Facetimed Dani as she ran in the pitch dark past cornfields and men sitting on hay bales. Gio ended up running one more mile than she expected (miscommunication about which leg was a mile short), Andria ran her final leg (and INTENSE uphill) to a dairy farm. After everyone had a piece of the dark, we had some french fries and ice cream before heading to our hotel for the night.

Time Between Legs
We arrived at our hotel in Germantown at 1-2AM. After quick showers, we passed out until 6AM, when we got ready for our final legs (and had a hot breakfast!). The exchange was at one of the local recreational parks.

Third Leg
These legs began in a suburban-like area on sidewalks and trails and then connected with the Capital Crescent Trail. Gio and Andria had the most beautiful legs, in my opinion, having some tree cover and running through Rock Creek Park. As for my leg, it was an easy 3.2 miles in 20:30, with 10-12 kills. Booyah!

Time Between Legs
Andria finished her leg in downtown Bethesda. We picked her up, filled up on gas, and drove to the National Harbor for a beer and pizza while we waited for the other van. We [tried to] finished as a team, got our medals, and took a team photo. The last leg was a hard one--hot and in direct sun! We finished around 2 or 3pm.

Post Race
After getting our medals, we sat down to some drinks and amazing guacamole to celebrate. I was already fading fast, and I had no more clean clothes, so I said my goodbyes to the some of the coolest ladies I've ever met, caught a taxi, and headed home for a shower, unpacking, food, and sleep.

I would DEFINITELY do Ragnar again! Would I do an Ultra? YES! You bet!


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