Race Recap: Perfect 10 (10 miles or 10 km)

On Sunday, 29 September 2013, I raced in Potomac River Running's Perfect 10 Miler in Reston, VA. Participants can choose between 10 miles or 10 kilometers. I chose to run the 10 miler. It is the same course at the Reston 10 Miler (in March). Night Before the Race: Okay, so the evening before the race went not-according to plan. I had taken the entire day off working out, walked around Clarendon Day festivities, and had a delicious salad for lunch. Plans fell apart that evening when my boyfriend suggested we go to Nick's house to play games. Not sure what time we were going to be home or if we were going to eat with Nick, I ate half a serving of my dinner (salmon cakes, vegetables, and noodles) and a Gatorade. I only stayed for one round of Stone Age (one of my favorite games) before heading home around 11PM (late for me). I ate six pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (homemade by Rachel) and quite a few Snyder's jalapeno pretzels. I know, I'm so good at eating healthy. ...