Book Review: The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

I didn't write my book review for April, so here it is--in May. In April, I read the second book in the Flavia de Luce mysteries series. (You can read my review on The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie on the blog too.) Once again, I urge you to read this series! In The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley, Flavia de Luce, our eleven year old sleuth chemist in 1950's England, has a run-in with Rupert Porson, a famous puppeteer and "Mother Goose" when their van breaks down. I myself began to long to see a live puppet show as I read Flavia's account of watching a performance of "Jack and the Beanstalk." It seemed magical. All good things come to an end, as I am told, and that is true in the second performance of the story, when Rupert Porson comes tumbling down onto the stage dead instead of the giant. I've given away enough! Read the story! Flavia continues to try to torture her sister (and I'm tempted to try some of ...